There are many new faces here so we want to provide some insight into who Kailee Mills Foundation is, why we are here, and what we are trying to accomplish.
Who are we? We are a seat belt safety 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in the Houston, TX area (Spring, TX to be specific). You may have found us through friends or family, social media, or heard our story from the 2018 or 2019 Texas Department of Transportation Click It or Ticket campaign that was based around Kailee’s crash.

Why are we here? Kailee Mills Foundation began in November 2017 following Kailee’s crash. Kailee was riding with three friends, traveling only a mile away from home. She removed her seat belt for a moment to take a photo with her friend in the backseat. In that short moment, the vehicle slid off the road on a curve, hit a culvert, and began to flip. Kailee was the only occupant not buckled and was killed instantly after being ejected. Too often we heard stories about fatalities where someone was not wearing a seat belt. It is preventable. The message was stagnant and needed a voice. So we started talking about Kailee, her personality, accomplishments, potential, and the tragic end to her life on earth at only 16 years old. We picked up where she left off and began carrying out her legacy in a way that would save and impact lives around the globe. It started by distributing seat belt ribbon decals and spreading awareness within our Spring, TX community and quickly became recognized nationwide.

What are we trying to accomplish? Our mission is to save and impact lives through seat belt awareness. From the beginning we said if we only saved ONE life, then our efforts were worth it. We know we have fulfilled that goal, and we are working everyday to save lives in memory of Kailee Mills.
Although seat belt safety is our primary goal, we have implemented other life-changing programs including Family Assistance: financial and counseling assistance for families impacted by vehicle crashes, College Scholarships, and Support for First Responders. All programs support and enhance our mission of reducing fatalities and injuries from non-seat belt use. You can read more about our programs here.

Please stay connected by following us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and subscribe on YouTube!