
Life After Loss Checklist: What Do I Do?

Funeral Preparation

The funeral director can help guide this process and provide resources. You can also visit helpful websites such as FuneralWise for information and checklists.

Post-Funeral Checklist

Your friends and family want to help, but we know even the “how can I help” question is overwhelming and you don’t even know what you need. Below are some post-funeral tasks that family and friends can assist with. So please send them this link, and they can even access THIS printable version.

❏ Cancel any future appointments (Family Doctor, Dentist, Counselor/Therapist, Optometrist, Gynecologist, sports teams, lessons, etc.)

❏ Call anyone who would check-in for future schedulings to remove your loved one from the call list.

❏ Let your friends/family clean the house, avoiding your loved one’s room.

❏ If your loved one is still in school, make the school aware of the situation. Pick up all items from school (clean out lockers and gather all extra-curricular items), and return school items at the same time (laptop, books, etc.).

❏ Save photos and information for their cell phone to an external device, save login information for apps, music playlists, etc.

No one expects a thank you note, so do not feel obligated to do this. However, if you want to do this, have friends and family pick up thank you cards for you and keep a list of gifts received. They can also help with writing the thank yous if you want them to, or you can do this at a later date when you are ready. Note: you can create a generic thank you card with your loved one’s picture for simplicity.

❏ Cancel subscriptions (apple, google, spotify, apps, etc.)

❏ Remove your loved one from insurance.

❏ Pick up belongings from your loved one’s workplace.

❏ Update anywhere your loved one may have been listed as a beneficiary.

Please reach out to us with any questions at [email protected].

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